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Friday, January 20, 2017

Met-jobs Digest, Vol 658, Issue 5

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Please note that attachments can be viewed on the Met-Jobs archive page at http://www.lists.rdg.ac.uk/archives/met-jobs/

Today's Topics:

1. position in Environmental Meteorology (Baumann-Stanzer Kathrin)
2. W3 Professorship in Theoretical Meteorology (Stefan Buehler)
3. Potential PhD Studentship at the University of Birmingham
(UK) (Roger Brugge)
4. Job Vacancy - Postdoctoral position in Regional Earth System
Modeling at UCLA (Renault, Lionel)
5. Saisonales, Wasserressourcen-Management in Trockenregionen -
Promotionsstelle an der Universität Marburg (Boris Thies)
6. UVNS Scientist (Simon)
7. Meteorological Forecaster - Bermuda Weather Service
(Bermuda Weather )


Message: 1
Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2017 12:26:42 +0000
From: Baumann-Stanzer Kathrin <kathrin.baumann-stanzer@zamg.ac.at>
To: "met-jobs@lists.reading.ac.uk" <met-jobs@lists.reading.ac.uk>
Subject: [Met-jobs] position in Environmental Meteorology
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

Dear colleagues,
ZAMG is offering a position in environmental meteorology with main focus on the maintenance and development of emergency response applications and involvement in the operational work of the atmospheric hazards modelling group. We encourage candidates with meteorological academic background who speak German fluently and have profound experience in programming.
See https://www.zamg.ac.at/cms/de/topmenu/ueber-uns/stellenangebote/mitarbeiter-in-fuer-umweltmeteorologie for further details.
Application deadline: 3rd March 2017
Kathrin Baumann-Stanzer

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Message: 2
Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2017 14:42:47 +0100
From: Stefan Buehler <stefan.buehler@uni-hamburg.de>
To: "Met-jobs@lists.reading.ac.uk" <met-jobs@lists.reading.ac.uk>
Subject: [Met-jobs] W3 Professorship in Theoretical Meteorology
Message-ID: <B322598B-65C7-4BA4-ADA2-49B4D05EEF47@uni-hamburg.de>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Dear list members,

we have an open position for a W3 professor in theoretical meteorology (https://www.uni-hamburg.de/uhh/stellenangebote/professuren/02-03-17-w3-2258.pdf). The application deadline is March 2.


Stefan Buehler



Message: 3
Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2017 14:16:39 +0000
From: Roger Brugge <r.brugge@reading.ac.uk>
To: "met-jobs@lists.reading.ac.uk" <met-jobs@lists.reading.ac.uk>
Subject: [Met-jobs] Potential PhD Studentship at the University of
Birmingham (UK)
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="Windows-1252"

Forwarded from CLIMLIST...

Closing Date:
Monday, 23 January 2017 (!!!)

Future changes of tropical cyclones in East Asia and potential
adaptation measures

Potential PhD Studentship in the context of the Central England NERC
Training Alliance (CENTA)

Climate over eastern Asia is mainly characterized by the East-Asian
summer monsoon (EASM), the related formation of the quasi-stationary
Changma-Baiu-Meiyu frontal system, and the occurrence of tropical
cyclones (TCs). Possible changes of the EASM and the occurrence of
extreme tropical cyclones under enhanced greenhouse gas concentrations
could have high impact on society and economy of one of the most densely
populated regions of the globe.

Regional decision processes for the development of suitable adaptation
strategies or the timely initiation of related mitigation efforts in
East Asia will strongly depend on robust and comprehensive information
about future near-term as well as long-term potential changes in the
climate system. Based on physical process understanding, it is important
to quantify the regional effects of global or hemispheric scale
phenomena for both, the scientific community to understand potential
changes and the impact community (incl. decision makers) to act
proactively in the most suitable manner. The three most important
aspects in this context are the provision of a) relevant, timely, and b)
comprehensive information about potential changes as well as c)
information about the quality of the confidence in the information.

is aimed at analysing and assessing economic losses caused by TCs in the
East Asian region. Additionally different adaptation measures damping
future losses should be compared. The main goals are to

·establish a relationship between observed TCs and observed economic
losses triggered by them, in order to

·predict possible future changes in frequency and intensity, thereby
estimating a change in damage for the climate predictions and eventually to

·decide which adaptation strategies are suitable for the East Asian
region given the future changes of TCs.

This study will be embedded in the project FOREX (Fostering Regional
Decision Making by the Assessment of Uncertainties of Future Regional
Extremes and their Linkage to Global Climate System Variability for
China and East Asia), which is part of the Met Office CSSP China project
funded by the Newton fund. FOREX aims to analyse changes of local and
regional extreme events (TCs, EASM) under changed future climate
conditions using a huge amount of different climate projection datasets
(CMIP3, CMIP5, Perturbed-physic ensembles) with a strong focus on
climate change signals on longer time-scales.

CENTA students will attend 45 days training throughout their PhD
including a 10 day placement. In the first year, students will be
trained as a single cohort on environmental science, research methods
and core skills. Throughout the PhD, training will progress from core
skills sets to master classes specific to the student's projects and themes.

Specific for this project, the PhD student will gain skills to analyse
state-of-the-art forecast data. This training will be in direct
modelling as well as in a response surface approach and, specifically,
is in:

·extreme value and multi-variate analytical statistics

·statistical modelling (multi-linear regression)

·the basics of CAT models and their specific features to model hazards,
vulnerabilities and exposure

·fieldwork, integrated modelling,

·GIS, and relevant programming giving the student skills identified as
'most wanted' for environmental jobs; 'modelling',
'multi-disciplinarity', 'risk and uncertainty'.

This is excellent employment market preparation as scientific research
skills, technical analysis and industry related model skills will be
practiced and gained.

Partners in this CENTA-PhD studentship will be UoBirmingham and regional
partners in China (e.g. the Nanjing University) with which the PI has
scientific collaboration in the framework of the CSSP-China project.
Further on, collaborations exist with different groups at the UK Met
Office, who is leading institution in this Newton Fund funded project.

Applications for the 2017/18 intake are now open.

Please note that the closing date for applications is 23rd January 2017.

Please find more information including how to apply here:


Best regards

Gregor Leckebusch

Dr. Gregor C. Leckebusch
Senior Lecturer for Meteorology and Climatology
EHS Postgraduate Research Tutor
School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT
United Kingdom

Associate Professor (Privatdozent)
Institute for Meteorology
FU Berlin
email: G.C.Leckebusch@bham.ac.uk <mailto:G.C.Leckebusch@bham.ac.uk>


Message: 4
Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2017 14:36:25 +0000
From: "Renault, Lionel" <lrenault@atmos.ucla.edu>
To: "met-jobs@lists.reading.ac.uk" <met-jobs@lists.reading.ac.uk>
Subject: [Met-jobs] Job Vacancy - Postdoctoral position in Regional
Earth System Modeling at UCLA
Message-ID: <EF63C05D-A81A-4024-8378-BAB9E4ACFDF9@atmos.ucla.edu>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

Postdoctoral position in Regional Earth System Modeling at UCLA

The UCLA Dept. of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences has received a 5-year NSF Collaborative Research award for assessment of the future evolution of the four Eastern Boundary Upwelling Systems (EBUS). This project aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the consequences of climate change and its interplay with decadal variability over the coming decades in coastal upwelling systems. As described below, UCLA seeks one postdoctoral scholar to work on this project.

The postdoctoral scholars will oversee continued development and application of atmospheric (WRF) and oceanic (ROMS) components, including physical and biogeochemical aspects (BEC model). Development activities will concentrate mainly on improvement of the coupled model, while applications include analyses of coastal air-sea interaction, and mechanisms of climate change (e.g., cloud response, wind, upwelling, biogeochemical response). The position will be supervised by Dr. Lionel Renault and will also involve collaboration with other faculty and researchers within UCLA (Profs. Alex Hall and Jim McWilliams, Drs. Sebastien Masson and Fayçal Kessouri) and University of Washington (Prof. Curtis Deutsch). The position is available for one year, initially, and will be renewable on an annual basis. It is available immediately, although the start date is negotiable.

Applicants should have a PhD in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences or a related field, effective oral and written communication skills, and an interest in collaborative research and climate change. Strong programming skills are also essential. Experience running regional or global numerical models will be an advantage, especially WRF, ROMS and/or biogeochemical models. Applicants should submit a brief statement of research interests and goals and a complete CV, including contact information for three references to Dr. Lionel Renault. Applications should be respectively submitted via email to lrenault at atmos.ucla.edu<http://atmos.ucla.edu>. Consideration of applications will begin immediately.

UCLA and UW are an Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action employer. All
qualified applicants, including minorities and women, are encouraged to apply.
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Message: 5
Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2017 10:29:58 +0100
From: Boris Thies <thies@staff.uni-marburg.de>
To: met-jobs@lists.reading.ac.uk
Subject: [Met-jobs] Saisonales, Wasserressourcen-Management in
Trockenregionen - Promotionsstelle an der Universität Marburg
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"; Format="flowed"

Am Fachbereich Geographie, Arbeitsgruppe Klimatologie und
Umweltmodellierung, Prof. Dr. Jörg Bendix, ist vorbehaltlich der
Mittelbewilligung zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt befristet für 3 Jahre
die drittmittelfinanzierte Teilzeitstelle (75 % der regelmäßigen
Arbeitszeit) einer / eines Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin /
Mitarbeiters (Doktorandin / Doktorand) zu besetzen. Die Eingruppierung
erfolgt nach Entgeltgruppe 13 des Tarifvertrages des Landes Hessen.

Es handelt sich um eine befristet zu besetzende Qualifikationsstelle im
BMBF Verbundprojekt "Saisonales Wasserressourcen-Management in
Trockenregionen: Praxistransfer regionalisierter globaler Informationen"
In dem Projekt werden in Kooperation von sieben wissenschaftlichen und
zwei privatwirtschaftlichen Partnern Methoden für den Praxistransfer
regionalisierter globaler Informationen für das Wassermanagement in
datenarmen semi-ariden Regionen entwickelt und untersucht. Der egionale
Fokus liegt auf Einzugsgebieten in Sudan, Iran, Brasilien, Ecuador/Peru
und Westafrika. Die Arbeitsgruppe von Prof. Bendix am Fachbereich
Geographie übernimmt dabei die Ableitung und Bereitstellung raumzeitlich
hochaufgelöster Niederschlagsinformationen anhand von Satellitendaten.
Im Rahmen der Doktorarbeit soll ein neues Niederschlagsprodukt für die
genannten Zielregionen, beruhend auf Daten geostationärer
Satellitensysteme der neuesten Generation sowie auf Daten der Global
Precipitation Measurement Mission, entwickelt werden.

Im Rahmen der übertragenen Aufgaben wird die Möglichkeit zu
eigenständiger wissenschaftlicher Arbeit geboten, die der eigenen
wissenschaftlichen Qualifizierung dient. Die Befristung richtet sich
nach § 2 Abs. 1 Satz 1 WissZeitVG.

Vorausgesetzt werden ein abgeschlossenes wissenschaftliches
Hochschulstudium (Diplom, Master oder vergleichbar) im Fach Geographie
oder einem verwandten Fach, der Wille zur erkenntnisgetriebenen,
eigenständigen wissenschaftlichen Qualifikation sowie einschlägige
Kenntnisse auf dem Gebiet der satellitenbasierten Fernerkundung und der
Klimatologie. Erwartet werden zudem sehr gute Computerkenntnisse
(Linux/Windows), solide Programmierkenntnisse und gute
Statistikkenntnisse sowie die Bereitschaft, in die genannten
Zielregionen zu reisen. Sehr gute Englischkenntnisse in Wort und
Schrift, die Fähigkeit zum Schreiben/Präsentieren von insbesondere
englischsprachigen Publikationen / Vorträgen und Teamfähigkeit sind
weitere Voraussetzungen für eine erfolgreiche Arbeit. Von Vorteil sind
Erfahrungen auf dem Gebiet der satellitenbasierten
Niederschlagsfernerkundung, Erfahrungen bei der Verarbeitung und
Auswertung großer Datenmengen sowie die Arbeit in interdisziplinären
Verbundprojekten z.B. als studentische Hilfskraft.
Für Fragen steht Ihnen Herr Dr. Boris Thies unter 06421 2825910 und
thies@staff.uni-marburg.de gerne zur Verfügung.

Die Philipps-Universität unterstützt die professionelle Entwicklung von
Nachwuchswissenschaftlerinnen und Nachwuchswissenschaftlern im Rahmen
verschiedener Beratungsformate, z. B. durch die Marburg Research Academy
(MARA) und die Stellen für Hochschuldidaktik und Personalentwicklung.

Wir fördern Frauen und fordern sie deshalb ausdrücklich zur Bewerbung
auf. In Bereichen, in denen Frauen unterrepräsentiert sind, werden
Frauen bei gleicher Eignung bevorzugt berücksichtigt. Bewerberinnen und
Bewerber mit Kindern sind willkommen – die Philipps-Universität bekennt
sich zum Ziel der familienfreundlichen Hochschule. Eine Reduzierung der
Arbeitszeit ist grundsätzlich möglich. Bewerberinnen/Bewerber mit
Behinderung im Sinne des SGB IX (§ 2, Abs. 2, 3) werden bei gleicher
Eignung bevorzugt.

Bewerbungs- und Vorstellungskosten werden nicht erstattet.

Bewerbungsunterlagen sind ausschließlich in elektronischer Form bis zum
03.02.2017 unter Angabe der Kennziffer fb19-0003-wmz-2017 an den
Fachbereich Geographie der Philipps-Universität an sekretariat@LCRS.de
zu senden.

Boris Thies
Philipps-Universität Marburg
Faculty of Geography
Laboratory for Climatology and Remote Sensing (LCRS)
Deutschhausstrasse 12
35032 Marburg

Tel +49 6421 2825910
Fax +49 6421 2824833
Web http://www.lcrs.de
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Message: 6
Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2017 09:07:59 +0200
From: "Simon" <recruit@hamtec.co.uk>
To: <met-jobs@lists.reading.ac.uk>
Subject: [Met-jobs] UVNS Scientist

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

HAMTEC Consulting a provider of quality staff to the aerospace industry.

We are currently seeking a member of staff with university degree in a
relevant computer or natural science subject

Location: Darmstadt, Germany

Start Date: ASAP

Closing date: 27th February 2017


Consultancy is sought for the ongoing scientific activities in preparation
for a future UVNS mission to be flown on the EUMETSAT Polar System - Second
Generation. The Contractor, via its key person, will provide consultancy to
the Atmospheric Composition Team in the Remote Sensing and Products (RSP)
Division of EUMETSAT, located in Darmstadt, Germany. He/she will interface
with in-house experts of various disciplines (system, instruments,
operations, science), and in particular members of the EPS-SG Science Team
within the RSP Division.

The tasks of the Contractor via its key person will include:

* Development of algorithms for calibration of UVNS level 0 data;
* Taking into account the constraints imposed by the final goal of
implementation of the products within an operational processing system;
* Development of prototype software code for the purposes of testing
and validating the algorithms developed;
* Development of an instrument performance model based on
specifications to be provided by industry;
* Generation of test data required for the verification of the
algorithm and products;
* Generation of associated documentation including test data
descriptions, Product Generation Specification (PGS), Product Format
Specifications (PFS), technical reports etc;
* Interfacing with experts across EUMETSAT as needed;
* Collaboration with expert groups and the wider scientific community
outside EUMETSAT as appropriate;

In addition, the key person will provide consultancy in:

* Algorithm development activities for the level 2 product development
for the UVNS instrument;
* Equivalent activities for the UVN mission on MTG;
* Assessment of results from scientific studies;
* Refinement of mission requirements in response to expert advice and
results of scientific studies;
* Scientific assessments related to requirements refinements;
* Interaction with expert teams and the conduct of expert team
* Participation in reviews.

The tasks will evolve as the EPS-SG specifications mature in the coming

Qualifications and Experience

* a university degree in meteorology, atmospheric physics, remote
sensing, or equivalent
* a minimum of three year's experience in the field of remote sensing

Essential Skills

* Experience in atmospheric remote sensing in the optical spectrum
(Ultraviolet to Shortwave Infrared);
* Experience with instrument calibration and characterisation;
* Familiarity with Earth observation systems in operational
meteorology, atmospheric composition and climate monitoring (both remote
sensing and in situ systems);
* Handling and processing of remote sensing data;
* Familiarity with radiative transfer;
* Good skills in a higher programming language (e.g. Fortran, C++,

Desirable Skills

* Quality control of satellite data and products;
* Operational product processing environments;
* Software build environments and tools (e.g. make, imake, eclipse,
* Source code control system (e.g. git, SVN).

Please send you CV in English to:

Simon Davidson via <mailto:recruit@hamtec.co.uk> recruit@hamtec.co.uk

To register with HAMTEC Consulting and to view current opportunities go to
our website:

<http://www.hamtec.co.uk> http://www.hamtec.co.uk

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Message: 7
Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2017 19:27:04 -0400
From: "Bermuda Weather " <jobs@weather.bm>
To: met-jobs@lists.reading.ac.uk
Subject: [Met-jobs] Meteorological Forecaster - Bermuda Weather
Message-ID: <web-47436313@sunny.logic.bm>
Content-Type: text/plain;charset=utf-8; format="flowed"

Meteorological Forecaster and/or
Dual Meteorological Observer and Forecaster

The Bermuda Weather Service, part of the CI² Aviation Bermuda Ltd. group of
companies, is seeking an intelligent, motivated and qualified Meteorological
Forecaster and/or certified Dual Meteorological Observer and Forecaster. The
successful applicant will join our team of dedicated professionals, monitoring
the weather and producing forecasts and warnings for aviation, marine
interests and the general public. The Bermuda Weather Service is a 24/7
operation and applicants must be prepared to work 12 hour rotating shifts
including weekends and public holidays.

The successful candidate will possess the following skills; qualifications and
• Either a recognized Bachelor of Science degree in Meteorology with one year
operational experience as a forecaster or, a recognized Bachelor of Science in
Mathematics or Science with three years forecasting experience in an
operational environment. Alternatively, ten years of forecasting experience in
an operational meteorological forecasting environment
• Certified as having completed aeronautical forecaster training approved by
the World Meteorological Organization is an asset
• A willingness to attend in-house and overseas training courses and have a
strong desire to continuously improve skills and knowledge
• Excellent presentation; public speaking and written communication skills
• A strong sense of loyalty, motivation, dedication and a high degree of
commitment and interest/passion for weather.
• The ability to balance team work with the ability to work independently
• A demonstrated ability to make rapid and effective decisions in reaction to
changing weather patterns as well as the ability to react calmly and
prioritise effectively during periods of high activity and workload
• Prior tropical and marine weather forecasting experience is an asset
• A level of comfort and professionalism when dealing with clients at all
levels including the general public, the media, police and emergency services
• Prior Bermuda Weather Service experience is an asset

If you are interested in the Meteorological Forecaster or Dual Meteorological
Observer and Forecaster position - and meet the criteria as outlined, please
apply in confidence by January 30th, 2017 to Performance Solutions Limited,
Suite 350, 48 Par-la-Ville Road, Hamilton HM 11. Email: hr@psolutions.bm.
Phone 441-232-5270.

CI² Aviation Bermuda Ltd. is an Equal Opportunity Employer


Subject: Digest Footer

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